I enourage you to dream. You are allowed to have a vision and dreams. There was a time, I no longer remembered my dreams. I would hear the phrase “Live you dreams”, and I would think, “Am I allowed to have dreams?” Who has time for dreams when I am exhausted, overwhelmed and caregiving 24/7? One day I decided it was time to take a chance on dreaming the dream. Imagine a new dream. Explore and experiment. Invest in myself and believe in myself. “At first, dreams seem impossible, then improbable, and eventually inevitable.” ~Christopher Reeve What if your dreams are possible? I invite you to dream and to dream BIG! Don't limit yourself and don't limit God! Here are some journaling questions to help stir up your dreams or imagine new dreams:
~ As a young child, what dreams and aspirations did you have? ~ What adventures and activities excited you and excites you now? ~ What do you love to do? What would you do for free? ~ What is the extraordinary life you picture yourself living in? ~ If you know you can't fail and have all the resources you need, what would you like to do or pursue? Once you have ideas and dreams written down, I suggest brainstorming how to make it happen. Reverse-engineer your dream, then take the next step. You got this! I believe in you and your dreams. If you need some help or feedback, email me. Happy New Year! Positive and Fun changes are happening in your life!